Commission Info

Hello! You can scroll below to see commission examples and contact me through email for inquiry but read the Terms of Service & Payment first!
Email: [email protected]
(please refrain from using Twitter Direct Messages unless we are mutuals or friends, thank you.)

Head/Bust | $10 (additional char +$5)
(Colours +$5)
(Shading +$10)

Halfbody | $20 (additional char +$15)
(Colours +$5)
(shading +$10) [add char +$5]

Full-body | $35 (addtional char +$25)
(Colours +$10) [add char +$5]
(shading +$20) [add char +$15]

Stickmen! | $5 (add char +$5)
(Colours & Shading +$5) [if no hats/hair/accessories then colouring will be free]

Stickmen Style 2! [everything is the same as above, only with a different outline style]


  • Let me know if you have a preference on whether I draw cartoony eyes or the simple line eyes!

  • I will not draw very detailed mecha, detailed hats/shoes or many accessories. I will simplify the style of anything that may be too detailed in the reference that you will provide!

  • All will be fullbody! Exception will be if I am unable to figure out how to pose your character(s), then it may only be halfbody [will let you know of course] but that will not affect the given prices!

Please read all of the following before commissioning me

  • I cannot give a precise time on when I will be able to finish your commission, therefore I will need about 1-2 weeks to complete it, and at least 2 weeks if there are more than 2 characters. (I will inform you if I'll be needing more time in case something comes up)

  • I do not do backgrounds! They all will be simply coloured and may have shapes or such

  • Human characters are not preffered but will not be rejected, as it is hard to draw them but am willing to draw them if you keep in mind I will be only drawing them in my artstyle

  • My work is usually on varying canvas sizes, so unless you have a request for the art to be of a certain size, please let me know beforehand

  • I have the right to decline any commission I may feel I cannot do/feel uncomfortable by.

Can DoCannot do
FurriesHumans (exceptions can be made if you take in consideration I do not have much practice with them)
MonstersDetailed clothing
GemsonasFetish art (even if sfw)
Mecha (simple)Mecha (Detailed and complicated)
  • Feel free to ask for clarifications on designs and whether or not I can draw their complexity before establishing that I will be doing the commission.

This should go without saying but I will not draw an adult and a child in an implied romantic setting with each other.
This also goes for "child-coded" x "adult-coded" characters when both their ages may be in thousands or have no canon ages.
Do not try to argue with me about this, thank you.

Please read all of the following before commissioning me

By commissioning me, you agree to NOT use the art commercially or for the purpose of adding it into a blockchain or NFT marketplace under any circumstances.


  • Payment may only be made through Paypal or Ko-fi and in USD or CAD, if you do are unable to use Paypal you may use Steam Gift Cards instead (Contact me to settle on what method we will use!)

  • Payment can be done in two methods;
    1: You pay 50% as I begin your commission and the other 50% after I show you sketch(es) of the commission and you are satisfied and want me to continue drawing.
    2: You pay in full at start if you feel comfortable to (you will still get a pre-coloured drawing to see if you want me to continue or not)

  • If paid in full at start, you will still receive an uncoloured drawing to see if you are satisfied or not and would like a 50% refund only if not wanting me to continue colouring.

Commission Request Requirements

  • Please let me know your specific requirements upfront during your commission request (if you do not have specific requirements of any of the following, let me know if I am being granted artistic freedom!);

1. a visual reference(s) (will not work with written guidelines since it's hard to work with them)
2. choose between style 1 (simple outline) or style 2 (bold stylized outlines) [check commission examples to confirm!]
3. character pose
4. expression/mood
5. colours (have an unshaded reference, otherwise shaded reference is fine if you're not picky about colours)

Complexity & Commission Changes

  • If asked to add small items such as a purse, glass, book, knife etc will not be charged extra but large items such as a weapon as large as the character will be charged as extra

  • Characters who may have extra limbs or heads will be charged as extra for complexity!

  • Small changes to the commission such as a change to only 1 or 2 accessories they may be wearing, eyes' position, design change to a small portion of the clothing etc can be done but big changes such as multiple changes at once or changing the entire character position, a completely different expression, change to many/all the items they may be holding/around them, change to most of or the entire clothing and/or design on the character will be charged as extra and I will need another 2 weeks.